Colorado has enacted a statute which outlines liability for landowners in Colorado. The statute is very broad and acts as the exclusive remedy for individuals injured on the land of another by virtue of a condition on the property, or activities conducted or circumstances existing on such property. Here are the basics: A “landowner” includes, […]

Insurance companies often attempt to settle bodily injury claims early and cheaply. Usually, they contact the injured claimant and offer money to help with medical expenses, when in reality, this money is only provided in exchange for a full release of all claims. This is a common problem injured people face in Colorado. Fortunately, the […]

We entrust our elderly loved ones with professionals in assisted living and skilled nursing in hopes that they will follow through with their promises of adequate staffing, care, and supervision. The laws in Colorado are designed to protect our at-risk population precisely because elderly persons are vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and neglect. However, the signs […]
The process of seeking out long-term care options for an elderly loved one can be daunting. Most people are not exposed to the differences between assisted living and skilled nursing care until the process of choosing long-term housing arises. Below, our attorneys have outlined the basic differences in assisted living and nursing home care to […]

The primary reason individuals and their families reach out to our office to speak with a car accident attorney is for help navigating the complex insurance process and figuring out who pays for the mounting medical bills. Most people injured in car crashes assume that the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance will cover medical bills as they […]
Many individuals involved in car, trucking, or bicycle accidents wonder how much insurance the at-fault driver(s) carried at the time of the crash and whether the insurance is sufficient to cover their injuries and damages. Fortunately, there’s a way to find out. On January 1, 2020, the Colorado legislature passed a law requiring auto and […]

The Colorado General Assembly has implemented strict damages caps on non-economic damages. Let’s start with the basics. Non-economic damages are claimed in almost every personal injury and wrongful death claim. In addition to claiming damages for economic losses and permanent impairment, a claimant may ask to be compensated for non-economic damages which includes damages for […]

7/12/22 – Liz Hart On my first day of work as a brand new lawyer, one of the senior partners called me into his office. He wisely explained, “You are a new lawyer which means that you will make mistakes. If you make a mistake, the worst thing you can do is not tell me. […]